Sorcerer Skill Balance Formula

Sorcerer Elementals
Summoned Elemental’s STATs are affected by the Caster’s Base Level and STATs.

[(Caster’s Max HP/ 3 ) + (Caster’s INT x 10 )+ (Caster’s Job Level x 20 )]
x [(Elemental Summon Level + 2) / 3]
Caster’s Max SP /4
ATK 1 (Presumably Min ATK)
Caster’s [ Max SP / (18 / Elemental Summon Skill Level) 1- 100 ]
(Presumably Max ATK)
Caster’s [ Max SP / (18 / Elemental Summon Skill Level) ]
[Elemental Summon Skill Level x (Caster’s INT / 2 + Caster’s DEX / 4)]
150 + [Caster’s DEX / 10] + [Elemental Summon Skill Level x 3 ]
Caster’s DEF + (Caster’s Base Level / (5 – Elemental Summon Skill Level)
Caster’s MDEF + (Caster’s INT / (5 - Elemental Summon Skill Level)
Caster’s FLEE + (Caster’s Base Level / (5 – Elemental Summon Skill Level)
Caster’s HIT + (Caster’s Base Level )

Summon Agni/Aqua/Ventus/Tera
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Variable Cast Time: (1 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds
Duration: (300 + 300 * Skill Level) seconds
Fire Elemental Agni will receive the following STAT bonus.
ATK + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 20) / HIT + (Summon Agni Skill Level x 10)
Agni (Fire Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus ATK = (Summon Agni Skill Level x 60) ATK
Level 2 Passive:
  1. Increases the damage done by Fire Walk by (Caster’s Job Level / 2) %.
  1. Increases the HP recovery effect from Warmer skill from (Wamer Skill Level x 1)% to (Warmer Skill Level x 3)%.
  2. Changes Psychic Wave element to Fire, and increases the SP Cost of Psychic Wave by 1.5 times.
Water Elemental Aqua will receive the following STAT bonus.
MDEF + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 10) / MATK + (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 20)
Aqua (Water Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus MATK = (Summon Aqua Skill Level x 40) MATK
Level 2 Passive:
  1. Crystallization chance from Diamond Dust is increased by (Caster’s Job Level / 5)%.
  2. Increases the damage done by Diamond Dust by (Caster’s Job Level x 5)%.
  3. Changes Psychic Wave element to Water, and increases Psychic Wave SP cost by 1.5 times
Wind Elemental Ventus will receive the following STAT bonus.
FLEE + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 20) / MATK + (Summon Ventus Skill Level x 10)
Ventus (Wind Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Bonus Stat: 5 ASPD increase and 1 second Fixed Cast time reduction
Level 2 Passive:
  1. Increases the damage done by Electric Walk by (Caster’s Job Level / 2)%.
  2. Increases the damage done by Varetyr Spear by (Caster’s Job Level x 5)%
  3. Changes Psychic Wave element to Wind, and increases the SP Cost of Psychic Wave by 1.5 times

Earth Elemental Tera will receive the following STAT bonus.
DEF + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 25) / ATK + (Summon Tera Skill Level x 5)
Tera (Earth Elemental) Level 1 ~ 3, Caster’s Max HP bonus: (Summon Tera Skill Level x 5)%
Level 2 Passive:
● Increases the damage done by Cloud Kill by (Caster’s Job Level)%
● Increases the damage done by Poison Burst by (Caster’s Job Level x 5)%
● Increases the damage done by Earth Grave by (Caster’s Job Level x 5)%
  1. Changes Psychic Wave element to Earth, and increases the SP cost of Psychic Wave by 1.5 times.
Spirit Control
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Elementals in Wait Mode will regenerate 2% HP and SP every 3 seconds.
Elemental Action
Skill re-use Delay: (Current summoned Elemental Skill Level * 3) seconds
Element Analysis
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Level 1:
50% chance to get 6 Elemental ores
20% chance to get 7 Elemental ores
15% chance to get 8 Elemental ores
10% chance to get 9 Elemental ores
5% chance to get 10 Elemental ores
Level 2:
90% chance to create 1 Elemental stone
10% chance to fail, and lose all ingredients.

Spirit Sympathy

HP, SP bonus
Elemental ATK / MATK bonus
Elemental summon SP cost reduction
MHP +5%
MSP + 5%
+ 25
MHP +10 %
MSP + 10%
+ 50
MHP +15%
MSP + 15%
+ 75
MHP +20%
MSP + 20%
MHP +25%
MSP + 25%
Spirit Cure
Variable Cast Time: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Consumes 10% HP and SP to recover Elemental’s HP and SP for the same amount.

Fire Insignia
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds

Skill Effect
Increases Agni (Fire Elemental) attack power by 20% and increases natural recovery by 2 times.
60 second
All targets in the area will have their ATK increased by 50, Weapon element changed to Fire, Physical ATK increased by 10%.
60 second
All targets in the area will have their MATK increased by 50, Fire element magic damage by 25%.
60 second
Fire element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Earth element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Fire Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Water Element.

Water Insignia
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds

Skill Effect
Increases Aqua’s (Water Elemental) ATK by 20% and natural recovery by 2 times.
60 second
Healing effectivness on targets within range by 10%, Changes Weapon element to Water and increases Physical ATK by 10%.
60 second
Reduces 30% Variable Cast Time of Water spells, and increases damage of Water element magic by 25%.
60 second
Water element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Fire element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Water Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Wind Element.

Wind Insignia
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds

Skill Effect
Increases Ventus’ (Wind elemental) ATK by 20%, and natural recovery by 2 times.
60 second
Reduces After Delay of all skills by 10%. Weapon element changed to Wind, Physical ATK increased by 10%.
60 second
After Delay of Wind element spells reduced by 50%. Increases damage done by Wind element spells by 25%.
60 second
Wind element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Water element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Wind Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Earth Element.

Earth Insignia
Fixed Cast Time: 1 second
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 60 seconds

Skill Effect
Increases Tera’s (Earth Elemental) ATK by 20%, and natural regeneration by 2 times.
60 second
Increases Max HP by 500, DEF by 50. Changes weapon element to Earth, and increases Physical ATK by 10%.
60 second
Increases Max SP and MDEF by 50, and the damage done by Earth element magic by 25%.
60 second
Earth element players or monsters will regenerate 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
Wind element players or monsters will lose 1% Max HP every 5 seconds.
All targets within Earth Insignia skill range will take 1.5 times more damage from Fire Element.
Fire Walk
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Skill duration: 30 seconds
Damage cell duration: 12 seconds
Number of cells: (6 + 2 * Skill Level)
MATK [(60 x Skill Level) x Caster’s Base Level / 100] % damage.
Electric Walk
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Skill duration: 30 seconds
Damage cell duration: 12 seconds
Number of cells: (6 + 2 * Skill Level)
MATK [(60 x Skill Level) x Caster’s Base Level / 100] % damage
Spell Fist
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Duration: (15 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
Number of hits: (Skill Level + 1)
Damage: MATK [(100 * Bolt Skill Level) + (50 * Skill Level)] %
Vacuum Extreme
Variable Cast Time: (0.5 + 0.5 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 2: 3x3
Level 3 ~ 4: 5x5
Level 5: 7x7
Duration: [(2 + 2 * Skill Level) - (Target’s Base STR / 20)] seconds
Psychic Wave
Fixed Cast Time: (1.1 - 0.1 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (7 + 1 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 2: 7x7
Level 3 ~ 4: 9x9
Level 5: 11x11
Number of hits: (2 + 1 * Skill Level)
MATK = [{( Skill Level x 70 ) + ( Caster’s INT x 3 )} x ( Caster’s Base Level / 100 )] %

Killing Cloud
Fixed Cast Time: (0.9 - 0.2 * Skill Level), 0 at level 5
Variable Cast Time: (2.1 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: 7x7
Duration: (6 + 2 * Skill Level) seconds
MATK [( Skill Level x 40 ) x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
Poison chance: 100%
Poison Burst
Fixed Cast Time: (1 - 0.2 * Skill Level) second
Variable Cast Time: (1 + 1.2 * Skill Level) seconds, 6 second at level 5
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: 3x3 around target
MATK [{( Skill Level x 300 ) + 1000 } x Caster’s Base Level / 120 ]%
Variable Cast Time: 1 second
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
CRIT increase: + (1 * Skill Level) %
Duration: 60 seconds
[{( Skill Level x 2 ) + 8 } x Target’s Weapon Level]
Caster’s learned level of Endow Blaze / Quake / Tsunami / Tornado increases the Weapon ATK increase from Striking by 5 per level

Earth Grave
Fixed Cast Time: (2 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (2 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 3: 7x7
Level 4 ~ 5: 9x9
Bleed chance: (5 * Skill Level) %
Bleed duration: (5 + (Skill Level * 3)) seconds
MATK [{ Skill Level x INT ) + ( Endow Quake Level x 200 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100] %
Diamond Dust
Fixed Cast Time: (1 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (4.5 + 0.5 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 5 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 3: 7x7
Level 4 ~ 5: 9x9
Crystallization chance: (5 + 5 * Skill Level) %
Crystallization duration: [(10 + (Diamond Dust Skill Level * 2)) - (Target’s Base VIT / 10)] seconds
Targets in Crystallization status will take 1.5 times more damage from Mace and Axe type weapons.
Targets in Crystallization status will take 50% less damage from Dagger, Sword and Arrow type weapons.
Targets in Crystallization status will take 1.5 times more damage from Wind element attacks.
Boss monsters cannot be crystallization.
MATK [{( Skill Level x INT ) + ( Endow Tsunami Skill Level x 200 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %

Fixed Cast Time: (2 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (2 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: (30 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: 7x7
Duration: (35 + 5 * Skill Level) seconds
HP regen: (Skill Level) % every 3 seconds
Varetyr Spear
Fixed Cast Time: (2 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (2 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: 2 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Aoe: 3x3 around target
Stun chance: (5 * Skill Level) %
Stun duration: [(Skill Level * 0.2) + 2] seconds
ATK [{( Striking Level x 50 ) + ( Varetyr Spear Skill Level x 50 )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
+ MATK [{( Endow Tornado skill level x 50 ) + ( Caster’s INT x Varetyr Spear Skill level )} x Caster’s Base Level / 100 ] %
Fixed Cast Time: (1 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Variable Cast Time: (2 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: (4 + 1 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
AoE: Level 1 ~ 2: 3x3
Level 3 ~ 4: 5x5
Level 5: 7x7
Success chance: [(15 + 5 * Skill Level) + ( Caster’s INT / 5 ) + ( Caster’s Job Level / 5 ) - ( Target’s INT / 6 ) - ( Target’s LUK / 10 )] %
Duration: [(6 + 2 * Skill Level) - {( Target’s Base Level / 20 ) + ( Target’s Base INT / 40 )}]


  1. Mình thấy cũng có lý nhỉ, cảm ơn bạn đã chia sẽ nhé.

    Sẵn tiện mình xin giới thiệu bên mình chuyên vận chuyển hàng hoá ra Hà Nội, vận chuyển hàng hoá ra Đà Nẵng, van chuyen hang hoa ra Phu Quoc, van chuyen hang hoa di Hai Phong. Bạn cần thì alo mình nhé, mình sẽ để giá rẻ cho bạn.

    Ngoài tuyến Bắc Nam, thì mình cũng nhận van chuyen hang ra Binh Duong, vận chuyển hàng đi Long An, van chuyen hang ra Vung Tau luôn bạn nhé.
