Arrow Storm
Fixed Cast Time: None
Variable Cast Time: (1.8 + 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Skill re-use Delay: (5.2 - 0.2 * Skill Level) seconds
Global Skill Delay: None
ATK [{(Skill Level x 80) + 1000} x (Caster’s Base Level/100)] %
Level 1 ~ 5: 7x7
Level 6 ~ 9: 9x9
Level 10: 11x11
Main Ranger
Tolerance/ATK: + (5 * Skill Level)
Aimed Bolt
Fixed Cast Time: 0.5 second
Variable Cast Time: 4 seconds
Global Skill Delay: 1 second
Targets affected by Ankle Snare / Electric Shocker / Warg Bite’s immobilization state will receive bonus damage from Aimed Bolt.
If used on <targets not affected by immobilization state> will only be hit once by the skill.
Number of hits (on immobilized targets):
Small: 2 ~ 3 hits (2 Hit: 50% / 3 Hit: 50% chance)
Medium: 3 ~ 4 hits (3 Hit: 60% / 4 Hit: 40% chance)
Large: 4 ~ 5 hits (4 Hit: 70% / 5 Hit: 30% chance)
Aimed Bolt will remove Immobilization state from all targets.
Each hit is increased by the Skill modifier.
Damage: ATK [{ 500 + (Skill Level x 50)} x (Caster’s Base Level/100)] %
Fear Breeze
Fixed Cast Time: 2 seconds
Melee attacks will not activate Fear Breeze
Unequipping or changing weapon will cause Fear Breeze buff to disappear
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Duration | 60 second | 90 second | 120 second | 150 second | 180 second |
Consecutive attacks | 2 | 2 | 2 ~ 3 | 2 ~ 4 | 2 ~ 5 |
SP Cost | 55 | 60 | 65 | 70 | 75 |
Individual Activation Chance | 12 % chance to attack 2 times. | 12 % chance to attack 2 times. | 9 % chance to attack 3 times. 12 % chance to attack 2 times | 6 % chance to attack 4 times. 9 % chance to attack 3 times. 12 % chance to attack 2 times. | 3 % chance to attack 5 times. 6 % chance to attack 4 times. 9 % chance to attack 3 times. 12 % chance to attack 2 times. |
Total Activation Chance | 12 % | 12 % | 21 % | 27 % | 30 % |
Electric Shocker
SP Drain per second: (5 * Skill Level) %
Duration: (18 + 2 * Skill Level) - [(Target’s AGI + VIT)/10] * 0.7seconds
Target’s VIT and AGI reduces the duration of the trap by [{(VIT + AGI) / 10} x 0.7] seconds.
Bomb Cluster
Skill Modifier + [ { (Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5) } x (1.5 + (Caster’s Base Level / 100)) } ] x { (Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 50 }
AoE: 7x7
Cannot be placed under a target
Warg Rider
Global Skill Delay: 0.5 second
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Movement Speed | 10% slower than Pecopeco | Same as Pecopeco | 10% faster than Pecopeco |
Warg Dash
Global Skill Delay: None
If Ranger has learned Warg Strike,
ATK 300% + (Caster’s Current Weight x 10 / 8) + Tooth of Warg (damage bonus from tooth of warg depends on skill level)
*** Warg will deal 3x3 splash damage when it is forcibly stopped by an obstacle.
Warg Strike
(Skill Level x 200% ATK) + (Tooth of Warg bonus damage)
*** When attacking in close or long range, Auto-Warg Strike activates at 1% per 3 points in LUK.
Warg Bite
Global Skill Delay: 2 seconds
Duration: (Skill Level x 1 ) + (Tooth of Warg x 0.5 ) second
Duration is no longer reduced by target’s Stats
Re-use Delay: (2 + 2 * Skill Level) seconds
Level 1: 600%
Level 2: 800%
Level 3: 1000%
Level 4: 1200%
Level 5: 1500%
Immobilization Success chance:
[{(Base Success chance) - (Target’s AGI / 4)} + (Tooth of Warg skill level x 2)] %
,where base success chance = (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
* Success chance cannot go below 50%.
Tooth of Warg
ATK bonus: 30 * Skill Level
Keen Nose
Global Skill Delay: 3 seconds
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
ATK | 150 % | 200% | 250% | 300% | 350% |
Warg Bite Activation Chance | 8 % | 16% | 24% | 32% | 40% |
Detecting Range | 7 x 7 | 9 x 9 | 11 x 11 | 13 x 13 | 15 x 15 |
While in Camouflage, CRIT chance and damage increases by 10% and +30 (Fixed) per second respectively. However Ranger’s DEF will decrease by 5% per second.
(CRIT is increased up to 100%, Damage is increased up to +300 (Fixed) )
Movement Speed:
Level 1 ~ 2: 0%
Level 3: 50%
Level 4: 75%
Level 5: 100%
Trap Research
Level | Bonus ATK | Bonus INT | Bonus MSP | Bonus Trap Range |
1 | + 40 | +1 | +220 | + 1 cell |
2 | + 80 | +2 | +240 | + 1 cell |
3 | + 120 | +3 | +260 | + 2 cell |
4 | + 160 | +4 | +280 | + 2 cell |
5 | + 200 | +5 | +300 | + 3 cell |
Fire Trap
ATK 100% + [{(Fire Trap Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5)} x (1.5 + Caster’s Base Level / 100)] x {(Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 100 }
Burning chance: (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
Duration: 15 seconds
Fire Element
Ice Trap
ATK 100% + [{(Ice Trap Skill Level x Caster’s DEX) + (INT x 5)} x (1.5 + Caster’s Base Level / 100)] x {(Trap Research Skill Level x 20) / 100}
Freezing chance: (50 + 10 * Skill Level) %
Duration: 20 seconds
Water Element
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