- This are the important built-in Variables for you to determine your character info/location etc.
- $.map - the map you're on ("prontera")
- $.pos - your current position ("123 234")
- $.time - current time as unix timestamp ("1131116304")
- $.datetime - current date and time ("Fri Nov 4 15:59:36 2005")
- $.hour - current hour time in 24h format
- $.minute - current minute time
- $.second - current second time
- $.hp - current hp
- $.sp - current sp
- $.lvl - current base level
- $.joblvl - current job level
- $.spirits - current number of spirit spheres
- $.zeny - current amount of zeny
- $.status - current statuses in a comma-separated list
- $.caller - name of the last triggered automacro
- $.weight - returns the current weight of the character
- $.maxweight - returns the maximum weight of the character